



Business objectives

Science and technology create a better life

Corporate mission

Create value for customers, create opportunities for employees and bring benefits to society

team spirit

Start honesty, create ambition, be professional, dedicated and happy

Core idea

Houde symbiosis, quality-oriented, high quality and low price, mutual benefit and win-win

management idea

Survival by quality and development by reputation

肥乡县| 奈曼旗| 永和县| 蚌埠市| 满洲里市| 白朗县| 北海市| 宕昌县| 易门县| 泰州市| 莎车县| 罗田县| 城固县| 延寿县| 天水市| 勐海县| 固始县| 丰宁| 贡嘎县| 疏附县| 西城区| 化州市| 朔州市| 如东县| 乌恰县| 平邑县| 汝州市| 丽水市| 丹江口市| 青龙| 石城县| 阳新县| 景宁| 敖汉旗| 琼结县| 定结县| 长汀县| 泾源县| 汶川县| 观塘区| 修武县|