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Introduction to common accessories of Engineering pure water equipment

2022-02-16 11:06:18   Visit:1128

1、 Water inlet solenoid valve

The pressure range of inlet solenoid valve is 0 --- 10kg / cm2. Its main function is to automatically cut off the path between raw water and membrane when the equipment is shut down, so as to stop water flow.

2、 Raw water pressure gauge

The pressure range is about 3kg, provided by the raw water pump.

3、 Pressure gauge behind security filter (150-opsi) pressure gauge in front of pump

This table mainly shows the pressure before the raw water enters the pump. This table can be used to judge whether the filter element of the security filter fails or should be cleaned by observing with the pressure gauge of the raw water supply system. When the pressure difference is large (greater than 60psi), it indicates that the filter element should be cleaned. If it still fails to meet the requirements after cleaning, it should be replaced.

4、 Pre membrane and concentrated water pressure gauge (0-400psi)

The pressure gauge in front of the membrane shows the water pressure when water enters the membrane, and the concentrated water pressure gauge shows the pressure from the outlet of the last membrane to the concentrated water regulating valve. The differential pressure can be known through the observation of these two meters, which is very important in practical operation. When adjusting the operating parameters, the system pressure should be adjusted based on the pressure gauge in front of the membrane, especially when the system pressure is at the upper limit and the membrane pressure difference is large

5、 Pressure switch

The function of the pressure switch is to set the water pressure to control the operation or stop of the main engine according to the process requirements of the system. When the raw water supply pressure is lower than the set value of the system, the pressure switch will automatically turn off the main engine, so as to avoid the damage of the high-pressure pump when there is no water or when there is no water. Its minimum value is roughly set between 20-50psi.

6、 Conductivity meter or resistance meter

Its main function is to online display the water quality of pure water when the equipment is running. The unit is μ S / cm or m Ω.

7、 Concentrated water regulating valve

The valve is an important component of RO main engine. Its main function is to adjust the pressure in the membrane tube to achieve the purpose of adjusting the proportion of pure water and concentrated water. It can be used together with the concentrated water recovery valve to better adjust the pressure in the membrane tube and the output of pure water. Before the equipment is opened, the valve shall be opened to a certain extent to prevent the pressure in the membrane from suddenly rising beyond the limit when the equipment is started.

8、 Flushing solenoid valve

Its main function is to flush the RO membrane surface regularly. When the system operates under high pressure, the flushing solenoid valve suddenly opens to reduce the pressure in the membrane tube, increase the flow rate in the membrane tube and let the concentrated water flow through, so as to achieve the purpose of flushing the membrane surface. This is an important component of the RO host. Its specification is 3 / 4-inch inlet and outlet, and the solenoid valve of 0-10kg / cm2 is selected for the low-pressure membrane; The solenoid valve of 0-16kg / cm2 shall be selected for the high-pressure membrane. When the equipment is running, open the concentrated water regulating valve for 2-5 minutes when starting up every day, which can also wash the membrane.

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