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The correct storage method after reverse osmosis shutdown is recommended to collect!

2022-03-04 18:13:13   Visit:1077

Shenzhen Hongjie Water Technology Co., Ltd. produces pure water equipment, ultra pure water equipment and reverse osmosis system engineering installation and commissioning

1、 Module preservation

Store the components in a cool and dry warehouse, or store them after packing. The minimum temperature should be higher than 5 ℃, preferably 10-20 ℃.

2、 Preservation of membrane system

1. Short term storage

Flushing is not required within 2 hours of shutdown;

Shut down for more than 20 minutes and perform ro flushing;

2. Interim preservation

If the machine is shut down for more than 3 days and less than 30 days, save it according to the following steps:

(1) CIP RO membrane element;

(2) Rinse with RO produced water for more than 30min;

(3) When the flushing is finished, store the membrane in the flushing water (RO produced water), close the valve and keep the solution in the RO section;

(4) Perform steps 2 and 3 once a week.

(5) This method needs to ensure that the flushing water source is always clean, and beware of microorganisms in the pipeline and water tank, so as to avoid secondary pollution to the membrane element.

3. Long term storage

After shutdown for more than 30 days, use bisulfite to preserve RO membrane, and operate according to the following steps:

(1) CIP RO membrane element;

(2) Rinse with RO produced water for more than 30min;

(3) Flush ro section with 1.0% sodium bisulfite solution prepared from ro produced water;

(4) When the RO section is filled with the solution (full filling is required), close the valve to keep the solution in the RO section;

(5) When the temperature is lower than 27 ℃, repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 with fresh cleaning solution every 30 days. When the temperature is higher than 27 ℃, repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 with fresh solution every 15 days;

(6) The pH value of the solution should be controlled between 3.5-9.5 and should be tested regularly. If the pH value is not within the above range, replace the protective solution, because long-term exposure to acidic or alkaline environment will damage the membrane.

Regularly monitor the concentration of acid sulfite. If the concentration of the solution is lower than 0.1%, a new solution should be used and the temperature should be kept below 25 ℃;

(7) When the ambient temperature may be lower than 5 ℃, the system must be filled with antifreeze, and the pipeline must be protected from antifreeze cracking.

Generally, 30% glycerol or 20% ethylene glycol (freezing point is about - 10 ℃) can be used as antifreeze. The operation steps are equivalent to the long-term preservation method of the above membrane. First, the membrane is chemically cleaned and washed with pure water, and then replaced and sealed with antifreeze;

(8) When the RO system is ready to restart, open the water outlet valve and flush the system with low-pressure clean water until it is cleaned and the produced water is discharged. Before resuming the operation of RO system, it is necessary to check the residue of disinfectant in produced water.

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