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How to calculate the dosage of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor

2023-03-02 11:26:04   Visit:885

The reverse osmosis scale inhibitor is generally added to the security filter of the reverse osmosis system, that is, before the precision filter. It is added to the dosing device and added to the pipeline of the reverse osmosis equipment through the metering pump. The reverse osmosis scale inhibitor can be used directly or diluted before use. The dilution ratio is not recommended to exceed 10 times, that is, the concentration should not be less than 10%. The recommended concentration of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor is generally 5-20ppm, that is, 5-20g of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor should be added for each ton of water in the reverse osmosis equipment.

We determine the weekly dosage according to the equipment usage, determine the size of the dosing tank according to the weekly dosage, and adjust the dosing metering pump to make the reverse osmosis agent inject into the reverse osmosis equipment smoothly and continuously.

Calculation formula of monthly consumption: W (monthly consumption)=Q (inflow flow of reverse osmosis equipment) × S (refers to dosing concentration) × H (is the working time of reverse osmosis equipment) × 30/1000 (1000 is the conversion between g and Kg).

Taking the water inflow of RO system device as 100 tons, we calculate the amount of scale inhibitor used for each set of RO system, namely the dosage. The monthly dosage of reverse osmosis scale inhibitor is: 100 * 5 * 24 * 30/1000=360KG (5 is the dosing concentration ppm; 24 is the working hours per day; 30 is the days per month; 1000 is the conversion unit of g for KG).

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