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How do I start the ultra pure water equipment in winter?

2023-05-06 09:36:54   Visit:788

How do I start the ultra pure water equipment in winter?

The temperature in winter is relatively low, especially in the north where it is cold pressed. It is generally not suitable to use ultrapure water equipment at this time because it cannot be started normally. If operated improperly, it will directly affect the service life of ultrapure water equipment. How do I start the ultra pure water equipment in winter?

1. Pressure switch not set correctly 

Pressure switches are very important components in ultrapure water equipment and have irreplaceable positions. The presence of a pressure switch can ensure the water supply pressure of the system and the normal operation of the water pump. In most cases, it is common for the host to not start due to human error settings.

2. The liquid level controller is damaged or not properly placed 

Another important control component in ultra pure water equipment is the liquid controller. When the equipment fails and cannot be started, the first thing we need to check is whether the liquid controllers of the raw water tank and pure water tank are damaged or not properly installed.

3. AC contactor failure 

Another common cause is the failure or damage of the AC contactor, which causes the equipment water pump to fail to start. For example, if the contactor of the raw water pump is damaged and cannot be automatically closed, it will definitely affect the normal operation of the rear system. In such cases, a new contactor can be replaced.



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