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Maintenance work of industrial pure water treatment equipment

2023-05-22 09:17:53   Visit:729

Maintenance work of industrial pure water treatment equipment

Author: Hongjie Water

The daily maintenance mode of industrial pure water treatment equipment: After long-term operation, daily maintenance is necessary to ensure the normal operation and efficient production of the equipment, and its maintenance is very important. The main maintenance of industrial pure water treatment equipment includes cleaning, lubrication, and replacement of consumables.

1、 Based on daily management experience, operation and maintenance personnel use observation, touch, and other methods to use testing instruments, inspect key parts of the instruments, and promptly troubleshoot. Record and check at least once.

2、 Monthly maintenance items

1. Replace the filter element;

2. Check all pipe joints for leaks;

3. Check if the instrument reading is correct;

4. Check if the pressure difference is normal;

5. Clean the dust on the surface of the equipment, clean the rust on the metal surface, and add anti rust oil;

6. Check if the bolts and joints are loose;

7. The main mechanical problems that may occur in problem assessment are O-ring damage, salt seal damage, pump damage, pipeline and valve damage;

8. Check if the wires are hot and if the connectors are loose;

When cleaning parts, it is necessary to carefully check for any damage. Parts that are prone to rusting should be immediately coated with oil for rust prevention after cleaning;

After the equipment maintenance work is completed, the maintenance supervisor or person in charge should fill out the maintenance record form, carefully fill out the items specified in the form, and transfer it to relevant personnel for safekeeping.

3、 Maintenance personnel thoroughly clean industrial pure water treatment equipment every six months, conduct partial disassembly inspection and maintenance, and replace or repair remaining parts.

4、 Inspect industrial pure water treatment equipment, replace main parts or repair non-conforming parts, and replace vulnerable parts annually.

5、 Annual Maintenance

1. Replace quartz sand, activated carbon, softened resin, PP filter and reverse osmosis membrane;

2. Check whether the specified values of each safety protection device comply with the specified values;

3. Check if the probe of the conductivity tester is correct. If there are differences, please adjust them.

4. Verify the operation of the instrument. Including pressure gauge, flowmeter, pH meter, conductivity meter, etc., If necessary, recalibrate.

During the inspection and maintenance process, attention should be paid to the safety of personnel and equipment. Maintenance work is not allowed until the equipment is stopped.

The above is the content of the author's introduction to industrial pure water treatment equipment, hoping to be helpful to you!

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