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How to avoid problems when using pure water equipment?

2023-07-27 09:52:48   Visit:489

How to avoid problems when using pure water equipment?

Pure water equipment, in simple terms, refers to equipment for producing pure water. By using the membrane filtration process of the reverse osmosis system, calcium ions, magnesium ions, sodium ions, etc. in the raw water are filtered out to be discharged with the wastewater, theoretically making the water only contain water molecules. With the increasing demand for water quality in daily drinking and industrial production, it has been widely applied in various fields: daily drinking, chemical industry, medical treatment, aquaculture, planting, food, beverages, etc 

Of course, how can we solve some problems that may arise when using pure water equipment?

1. When the amount of Sodium hypochlorite injected is insufficient and the free chlorine in the feed water cannot be measured, there will be slime on the membrane module of the purified water equipment, and the pressure difference of the purified water equipment will increase. However, for composite membranes and polyamide membranes, it is necessary to strictly control the amount of free chlorine entering the membrane components, as exceeding the specified value will lead to the oxidation and decomposition of the membrane.

2. If water with SDI5 values exceeding the standard is supplied to purified water equipment as water supply, dirt will adhere to the surface of the membrane components, which must be removed through cleaning.

3. Excessive feed water flow will cause premature deterioration of the membrane components, so the feed water flow rate should not exceed the design standard value. In addition, the flow rate of concentrated water should be avoided to be less than the design standard value as much as possible. Operating under conditions where the flow rate of concentrated water is too small can cause uneven flow in the pressure vessel of the purified water equipment and the precipitation of dirt on the membrane components due to excessive concentration.

4. Even if the high-pressure pump of the purified water equipment is interrupted for a very short period of time, it may cause the device to malfunction.


6. To prevent membrane fouling, low-pressure water supply should be used to replace the water inside the purified water equipment during startup and shutdown.

  1. Always pay attention to the pressure difference of precision filters. The main reason for the sharp increase in pressure difference is the leakage of precision filter turbidity. On the contrary, the reason for the sharp decrease in pressure difference is the damage of precision filter components and the loosening of fastening screws of precision filter components.

8. When the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the purified water equipment exceeds the standard, it indicates that the membrane surface has been contaminated or the feedwater flow rate is above the design value. If the pressure difference problem cannot be solved after flow adjustment, the membrane should be cleaned.

9. In summer, when the water supply temperature is high, the flow rate of produced water increases, and sometimes the operating pressure has to be reduced, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of produced water. To prevent this, the number of membrane components can be reduced while maintaining a high level of operating pressure.

The above is what Hongjie Water brings to everyone about "How to avoid problems with pure water equipment during use?" We hope it can help you!

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