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The relationship between hardness and alkalinity of water quality in Hongjie Water Service

2023-12-12 10:01:01   Visit:110

The relationship between hardness and alkalinity of water quality in Hongjie Water Service

The hardness of natural water mainly refers to metal ions such as Ca2+and Mg2+, while the alkalinity of water mainly refers to the alkalinity of bicarbonate HCO3-. The main ions present in water include Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, and HCO3-, SO42-, Cl -, etc. The relationship between hardness in water can be divided into three situations.

(1) Alkalinity>hardness (in mol/L) HCO3->(Ca2++Mg2+) The hardness (Ca2+, Mg2+) in water becomes bicarbonate, and there are also bicarbonate salts of Na+and K+, but there is no non carbonate hardness. At this point, the difference between alkalinity and hardness is equal to the bicarbonate of Na+and K+. The excess alkalinity of Na+and K+bicarbonate in this part is also known as negative hardness.

(2) Alkalinity=hardness (measured in mol/L), i.e. HCO3-=(Ca2++Mg2+). At this point, only the hardness of Ca2+and Mg2+and their bicarbonate alkalinity are present, without non carbonate hardness or bicarbonate of Na+and K+.

(3) Alkalinity 3-2++Mg2+). At this point, there are two more situations,

One is calcium hard water with Ca2+>HCO3-, in which non carbonate hardness CaSO4 and MgSO4 are present, but there is no carbonate hardness Mg (HCO3) of magnesium in the water

Another scenario is magnesium hard water with Ca2+>HCO3-, where there is the presence of magnesium carbonate hardness Mg (HCO3) 2 in the water, but there is no non carbonate hardness of calcium, while there is the presence of magnesium non carbonate hardness MgSO4. However, in either case, there is a non carbonate hardness present in the water, while there are no bicarbonate salts of Na+and K+present.

The above is what Hongjie Water brings to you about the relationship between the hardness and alkalinity of water quality. We hope it can be helpful to you!

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