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The difference between purified water and purified water

2023-12-22 09:21:20   Visit:88

The difference between purified water and purified water

In water treatment equipment, purified water equipment belongs to a category of products with strict requirements, complex processes, high prices, and strong targeting. Especially for purified water equipment used in biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals, the process flow design and installation must strictly follow the purified water indicators specified in the 2010 edition of the Pharmacopoeia, and be carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements of GMP certification. The water quality requirements for the purified water equipment must also strictly comply with the Chinese National Laboratory Water Use (GB6682-2000) standard, and also depend on whether there are specific requirements for TOC, bacteria, heat sources, microparticles, etc. in the experiment

Pure water, also known as deionized water, refers to water that meets the hygiene standards for drinking water. The water is sealed in a container using electrodialysis, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, distillation, and other appropriate processing methods, and does not contain any additives. It is colorless and transparent, and can be directly consumed. It can also be referred to as pure water (in chemistry). Pure water is not easily conductive and is an insulator.

Generally speaking, purified water and purified water are two specialized terms. Purified water generally refers to pure water used in the pharmaceutical industry, while purified water generally refers to pure water used in the food industry. Purified water generally follows the pharmacopoeia standard as the water quality standard, and purified water is now based on the GB17323 purified water standard. Purified water generally has higher requirements for conductivity than pure water, but pure water has higher requirements for pH value and bacteria and microorganisms.

The above is the reason for the high conductivity of pure water equipment introduced by Hongjie Water, hoping to be helpful to you. Before purchasing equipment, we need to have a certain understanding of its composition, then understand its characteristics and defects, and make a comprehensive selection.

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