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Water treatment equipment more medium filter

2021-11-08 14:40:54   Visit:1273

Water treatment equipment more medium filter is not too high price, but everyone with the environmental protection product, but more medium filter promotion is effective for all people and institutions to protect water resources.

Water treatment equipment more medium filter clogging is one of the common faults in the pure water equipment. So far, the secondary pollution of drinking water is increasingly serious, if we catch up with the maintenance network, filter is chronic congestion. If lack of maintenance personnel in industrial production, rarely changing filter element, causing congestion situation is very common. For the life of machinery and equipment, changing a filter is very important, should arrange staff for repair, replacement, replacement, make sure it's clear.

For UF system, stain resistance and hydrophilic membrane itself to a greater influence on the flux, low intercompared to run after a period of time, the processing capacity of MBR, UF is reduced. This can choose stain resistance and good cleaning restorative lined with enhanced PVDF membrane, combined with gas wash silk, cleaning effect is very good. For the MBR system, to choose a permanent hydrophilic, and silk with MBR membrane, to ensure that the water production water quantity and water quality.

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