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Pure water equipment to promote industry development and widely accepted

2021-11-15 09:46:49   Visit:1267

Reverse osmosis pure water equipment used in pretreatment technology, ultra pure water equipment adopt pretreatment + reverse osmosis collection equipment, pure water equipment using common bacteria is 0.4 1 micron in diameter, the diameter of the virus in principle between 0.02 to 0.4 microns to a certain pressure, water and mineral water is the water molecules and the elements through the reverse osmosis membrane separation, and finally achieve the goal of pure water.

Pure water equipment made up by a variety of process equipment, involving the basis of materials, parts and motors, pumps, etc many industrial products, the overall level of equipment is a microcosm of domestic product level, and promote the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, electric power, life drinking in the areas of development, especially in recent years, reverse osmosis technology industries widely accepted.

The overhaul and maintenance equipment also needs a certain time, more should be a pure water equipment are no exception. A but do not reach the designated position will lead to reverse osmosis membrane microbial pollution, also is adverse to the disinfection equipment and maintenance. Run without continuous disinfection and maintenance measures are taken in the process, failure or maintenance liquid concentration was not enough.

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