

Activated carbon

Activated carbon

Water purification activated carbon

Water purification activated carbon
Water purification activated carbon is a kind of activated carbon used to purify water. Using activated carbon filter material adsorption method to purify water is to use its porous solid surface to adsorb and remove organic or toxic substances in the water, so that the water can be purified. The results show that the activated carbon has strong adsorption capacity for organic compounds with molecular weight in the range of 500-1000. The adsorption of organic compounds on activated carbon is affected by its pore size distribution and characteristics of organic compounds, mainly by the polarity and molecular size of organic compounds. For the same size of organic matter, the higher the solubility and the stronger the hydrophilicity, the worse the adsorption capacity of activated carbon. On the contrary, it has strong adsorption capacity for the organic matter with low solubility, poor hydrophilicity and weak polarity, such as benzene compounds and phenol compounds.
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