

Technology world

Technology world


Operation fault analysis of reverse osmosis system

preface Reverse osmosis, also known as reverse osmosis, is a membrane separation operation driven by pressure difference to separate solvent from solution. Because it is opposite to the direction of natural infiltration, it is called reverse osmosis. Faults caused by poor inlet water quality In t...

Discussion on resource recovery and utilization of reverse osmosis concentrated water

Discussion on resource recovery and utilization of reverse osmosis concentrated water 1. Basic information The wastewater is concentrated brine discharged from the primary reverse osmosis desalination unit. Concentrated water will be produced during the preparation of pure water by reverse osmosis...

How to debug the water treatment equipment? What steps?

The reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is divided into two parts, one is the pretreatment commissioning, and the other is the commissioning of the reverse osmosis host. The pretreatment is mainly the positive and negative washing of quartz sand and activated carbon to wash away the fine sand,...

What is heavy pollution of reverse osmosis membrane

As a deep filtration means, the surface of reverse osmosis membrane element will inevitably remain colloids, microorganisms, impurity particles and insoluble salts on its surface. Therefore, once put into use, the reverse osmosis devices used in many fields will eventually need to be cleaned, but th...

Influence of RO membrane recovery rate on system operation

Standard recovery rate, actual recovery rate and system recovery rate (1) Standard recovery rate of membrane element: the recovery rate adopted by the manufacturer under standard conditions. (the recovery rate of brackish water is 15%, and that of seawater is 10%) Actual recovery rate of membrane ...

What is heavy pollution of reverse osmosis membrane

As a deep filtration means, the surface of reverse osmosis membrane element will inevitably remain colloids, microorganisms, impurity particles and insoluble salts on its surface. Therefore, once put into use, the reverse osmosis devices used in many fields will eventually need to be cleaned, but th...

Stop the pump, water hammer is very harmful! How to solve it?

I What is a water hammer? Water hammer is called water hammer because of the inertia of pressure water flow when the power is suddenly cut off or the valve is closed too fast, which produces water flow shock wave, just like a hammer hitting. The water hammer of pump station includes starting water...

Uncover the internal structure and principle of the air flotation machine. After reading it, you will understand it all

Air floatation machine is a water treatment equipment in which a large number of micro bubbles are generated in the water by the dissolved air system, so that the air is attached to the suspended solids particles in the form of highly dispersed micro bubbles, resulting in a state that the density is...
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