

Technology world

Technology world


Purpose of reverse osmosis membrane pretreatment

The reverse osmosis system includes three parts: raw water pretreatment, reverse osmosis device and post-treatment. RO system has its specific requirements for raw water pretreatment. Due to the wide variety of raw water and its very complex composition, according to the requirements of the raw wate...

What is the difference between pure water, purified water and ultrapure water?

What is the difference between pure water, purified water and ultrapure water? 1. The difficulty of manufacturing is different. At present, the pure water used in the market is basically prepared by reverse osmosis, distillation and other methods. Purified water is pharmaceutical water prepared by...

Deep analysis of advantages and disadvantages of water treatment membrane technology (ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis)

Comparison of nanofiltration membrane, reverse osmosis membrane and ultrafiltration membrane Nanofiltration membrane: capable of intercepting substances of nanometer scale (0.001 μ m). The operating range of nanofiltration membrane is between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. Its molecular we...

What's wrong with unqualified boiler demineralized water? How to solve it?

Boiler demineralized water equipment is a raw water pretreatment device launched for boiler scale, which removes calcium and magnesium ions in raw water and elements causing boiler scale. Water quality treatment is very important for the safe and economic operation of boiler equipment. But sometime...

60 classic questions and answers of water treatment technology

Installation and commissioning of Shenzhen Hongjie water production pure water equipment ultra pure water equipment reverse osmosis system project 1. Q: how to dispose the methane produced by anaerobic digestion? How to use? A: there are many ways available, such as fuel and power generation, but ...

How to debug the water treatment equipment? Operation steps!

The reverse osmosis water treatment equipment is divided into two parts. One part is the pretreatment commissioning and the other part is the commissioning of the reverse osmosis host. The pretreatment is mainly the positive and negative washing of quartz sand and activated carbon to wash away the f...

The correct storage method after reverse osmosis shutdown is recommended to collect!

Shenzhen Hongjie Water Technology Co., Ltd. produces pure water equipment, ultra pure water equipment and reverse osmosis system engineering installation and commissioning 1、 Module preservation Store the components in a cool and dry warehouse, or store them after packing. The minimum temperature ...

You may not know the knowledge of softened water equipment!

Installation and commissioning of Shenzhen Hongjie water production pure water equipment, ultra pure water equipment, softened water equipment and other water treatment system projects The hardness of water is mainly composed of cations: calcium (Ca2 +) and magnesium (Mg2 +) ions. When the raw wate...
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